Cannabis is on the Ballot



Marijuana is not medicine. It’s horrible...
— Paula McPheeters

Listen to Paula McPheeters explain her views on marijuana in her own words:

  • Paula wants to go backwards and lock up marijuana growers.

  • Paula led the failed effort to ban marijuana in Pueblo in 2016, running two anti-marijuana ballot questions.

  • Paula will close all marijuana businesses, laying off thousands of employees and taking your access to safe medicine.


Colorado Public Radio 10/4/2016

Fortune Magazine 6/29/2016 

Pueblo Chieftain 2/10/2015

High Country News 8/17/2015

Calmblog 10/27/2016

Colorado Springs Gazette 6/2/2014

McPheeters Abused TaxPayer Dollars Trying to ReCriminalize Marijuana

For over a decade, Paula McPheeters used her position as a public employee to push her anti-cannabis agenda on the taxpayer's dime. Instead of serving the interests of the community, she's using taxpayer money to support extremist positions while on the clock. 

Paula McPheeters is an employee of Pueblo Community College. She’s technically the Director of Grant Compliance at Pueblo Community College. But, that hasn’t deterred her from doing her anti-cannabis political organizing at the taxpayers expense. In 2015, as Paula was organizing right-wing efforts to re-criminalize marijuana in Pueblo, Tommy Giodone submitted a Colorado Open Records Request to PCC, that indicated that at least dating back to April of 2014, McPheeters has been illegally abusing taxpayer dollars to support her radical political agenda.


Chieftain 04/25/2015 “McPheeters and Hergert are doing this all on taxpayer time," Giodone said Saturday. "They should be doing PCC work."

CLICK HERE to review Paula McPheeter’s url search history at her taxpayer-funded job at PCC. This list of url searches was retrieved from Tommy Giodone’s Open Records Request to PCC in 2015. Viewing the link, you can see that over an eight (8) month period (April of 2014 to December of 2014) Paula McPheters used state-provided resources at least 130 times for political work on her own radical political agenda. She was even uploading files onto an extremist website while on the clock. That’s time and money the taxpayers were paying her to support extremist groups on the clock!

CLICK HERE to review emails Paula McPheeters sent from her government email address to support her right-wing agenda on the taxpayer’s dime. These emails were also uncovered from the 2015 Open Records Request Tommy Giodone submitted to PCC requesting documentation about Paula McPheeters illegal work.

don’t let paula take away your Rights.

protect your freedom.

"Paula McPheeters is a national leader fighting to lock up cannabis growers, starting right here in Pueblo."

After weeks of contentious petition drives, McPheeters’s group believes it has gathered enough signatures to put a measure on the November ballot to revoke all the recreational marijuana licenses in the county.
— Fortune Magazine (6.29.2016 )
‘In my community, I have to deal with this every week,’ McPheeters says, pulling out an edition of The Pueblo West View newspaper. ‘Full page ads advertising marijuana concentrates, budder and shatter.’
— Colorado Public Radio (10.4.2016)
‘We don’t like the idea that we’re going to be the banana belt with marijuana,’ McPheeters said. ‘When people come to Pueblo, they think of green chile. We are losing that.’
— Pueblo Chieftain (2.10.2015)
‘Up to the 1970s, Pueblo was known as ‘P.U. Town’ because of the steel mill,’ says Paula McPheeters. ‘Now we’re getting known for that again, because of marijuana.’
— High Country News (8.17.2015)
‘Those living in the rural areas are scared,’ reports Paula McPheeters. ‘The marijuana grows are despoiling the land and draining the water aquifers. Squatters are growing marijuana and crime is increasing.’
— Calmblog (10.27.2016)
‘The growth has come at a steep social cost,’ McPheeters and other critics say. ‘Marijuana-related crimes, including the 2014 armed robbery of a marijuana shop, have increased.’
— High Country News (8.17.2015)
‘It’s changing the fabric of our community without asking what we want,’ said Paula McPheeters.’
— Colorado Springs Gazette (6.2.2014)

Vote daneya esgar


Daneya Esgar will protect YOUR freedoms. She supports the rights of cannabis consumers. She supports women making their own decisions about their bodies. Daneya Esgar supports you and your freedoms!